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Preparing for the Ministry

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Preparing for the Ministry

By Dr. Jack Trieber

The Olympic Games stand as the oldest and most renowned competitions on Earth. Athletes from across the world dedicate years—sometimes a lifetime—to rigorous training, all for the opportunity to compete for a few moments. Many return home as heroes, honored with accolades and rewarded with opportunities. In the same way, every Christian is called to represent his homeland—his heavenly homeland. If athletes dedicate themselves so entirely for a prize that fades, how much more should those who labor for eternity prepare themselves for the race set before them? In this book, Dr. Jack Trieber covers a deep study on spiritual and practical preparation for the ministry. This powerful read will equip all men and women in their endeavor toward God’s will for their lives and challenge them to give their all in every step along the journey.

(128 pages, paperback)

ISBN: 978-1-60171-779-5

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